Hammond Chiropractic Center Blog

Why Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Shawnee KS

Why Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Shawnee KS

Why Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Shawnee KS While many struggle with the idea of chiropractic pregnancy in Shawnee KS, but despite many myths, this practice can be extremely beneficial for expecting mothers. Our trusted Chiropractic Team at Hammond Chiropractic Center is well trained with the knowledge and tools needed to put your body at ease…

Exercise Smarter in Shawnee

Exercise Smarter in Shawnee KS

Exercise Smarter in Shawnee KS Who in Shawnee KS doesn’t take pride in working hard and reaching their goals?  Regardless of the situation, it is human nature to enjoy the accolades that come with seeing results. In this day and age however, it is almost as though just reaching goals is not enough.  We have…

Back Pain Tips from a Shawnee Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Shawnee KS Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Shawnee KS Chiropractor If there is one body part that most people seem to have problems with at some point in life, it must be the back. Back pain is such a common part of modern life that many people just accept it as normal and try to get by…

Can A Chiropractor Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Shawnee KS?

Can A Chiropractor Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Shawnee KS?

Can A Chiropractor Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Shawnee KS? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not a strange mystery for many chiropractors in Shawnee KS. For most, carpal tunnel syndrome has become synonymous with surgery. There are not often other methods of recovery that is offered for those who suffer from this injury, so many do…

How Can A Sports Injury Chiropractor Help You in Shawnee KS?

How Can A Sports Injury Chiropractor Help You in Shawnee KS?

How Can A Sports Injury Chiropractor Help You in Shawnee KS? If you are an athlete of any kind, you have likely experienced an injury of some sort. Whether it has been minor or career-altering, a sports injury left alone can cause severe damage to your body. As your trusted Shawnee KS chiropractor at Hammond…

What Is Text Neck in Shawnee KS?

What Is Text Neck in Shawnee KS?

What is Text Neck in Shawnee KS? Take a moment and notice how you are holding your upper body right now. How is your neck angled? Where is your weight resting? Odds are if you are reading this on your mobile device, you are putting unnecessary stress on your neck and spine. Your head is…